Sunday, January 22, 2012

6 months later - wow!!

Today was a run day. It’s been a long time since I’ve run and even longer since I've run with Blue for many reasons. He is walked twice a day so he’s still getting his exercise but it’s absolutely amazing how much this dog can run. He will run and run and run. Get home and look for balls to play with. He’s never looking to lay down and nap. He wasn’t too bad today. Not chasing too much but then again dead of winter, there isn’t too much to chase. Still pulling on the leash pretty bad but since his mommy hasn’t trained him properly, she can hardly complain. Plus it keeps her biceps lean and strong ;-)

We ran 6 km today – no problem. He would have gone longer. It’s me that has to take it easy and make sure I don’t overdo it – too much too soon.  We did run one other day last week in the wee hours of the morning. Just a 4k-ish run.  This is something I “could” potentially do everyday . . . since I’m walking him anyway why not just run?? Well that’s a wonderful thought in theory but putting into practice is a whole other matter. It’s easy to drag yourself out of bed at 5:30-6 a.m. and know you’re just going to meander slowly around the neighbourhood. It’s a whole other matter to put in the energy required to RUN! Lol

But my goal is to run twice a week in the mornings. And then ball hockey Wednesday nights for now. Longer runs Sunday mornings. The plan is there in my head. Just need to ensure that the body is following . . . “They” say your mind is in control . . .

So let’s see what happens this week. A Tuesday and Friday morning run . . .  I’ll let you know how it goes.

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