Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Who Knew . . .

Dogs get injuries too.

Between my busy schedule and adjusting to it and then Blue hurting himself in the pursuit of a CAT! We have not gone running since April 29th.

My schedule for the past two weeks was to adjust to playing ball hockey and 2 baseball teams and life. The beginning of the summer sports season is always very busy but a couple weeks in and it all falls into place. So while I was adjusting, I decided to leave running out of the equation for a week. Which would bring us to this week . . . I would have started running again soon.

Then we went to Muskoka on the weekend. Absolutely beautiful! Gorgeous weekend, perfect weather. Blue got to play with a new friend . . . a big white german shepherd, Kota.

They had a great time together running and playing and wrestling. Blue was off leash the entire time. He never ran off property or onto the road or anything. He was great!

Kota's family also has 2 cats.  Blue still hasn't really spent time with OUR own cats yet because he treats them like prey. When he sees them, he chases them like he does squirrels and rabbits. So . . . Blue chased these 2 poor cats in Muskoka around the yard, thru the garage and in the house. He did this only a couple times because we caught him and stopped it. Sunday morning, a couple hours outside, all of a sudden Blue takes off barking like crazy. We all turn to see what's happening and swoosh goes a flash of grey and white cat across the yard, under the porch with Blue flying behind barking his crazy bark. Out comes the cat from the opposite side of the porch crawl space and Blue starts yelping in pain, comes out and stops dead with his back paw in the air. The cat continues on his way safely. Funny Blue no longer cared about the cat  . . .

I go to get him to find that he's not bleeding but has sliced a piece of his pad 1/2 off. So he has a nice little flap of pad . . . Yuck. So we wash him up, clean it out and put Polysporin on it. Instead of bandaging it up, I put my sock on his foot and taped that to his leg. This way it stays somewhat clean and still has airflow. He didn't walk on it for the rest of the day. He went outside looking sad and laid down. Kota kept bugging him to come play. It was a sad day. Blue stayed in this state for a day.

By Tuesday Blue was raring to go again all happy and wanting to go, go, go but we kept him as still as possible, no playing ball :-( , no walks. We took him out Tuesday night to Kevin's ball games but that is mostly sitting still anyway.

After the ball game, we got home and I took off the sock, checked out his pad. Nice colour, all clean, drying up nicely. The flap of pad skin that he had is no longer a flap but a small chunk of dried up pad. So out come the scissors and snip  . . . off comes the piece of skin. Right as rain. Blue jumped up and grabbed his ball, dropped it at our feet and waited . . . But we still said no.

Going to wait a bit for the pad to heal up some more before we use it intently.  :-)

So until then, I'll be running on my own for a few more days . . .

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